Friday, October 31, 2008

New Beginnings

My stomach is growling. I'm hungry. Too bad, I say, food can wait. Now it's time to write.

I'm going to follow in the footsteps of a friend and use this post to explain the name I chose for this blog. I've been flitting about from place to place and thought to thought for a while now on automatic. My classes keep having assigments that require me to pick something I'm passionate about, and I keep coming up blank for topics. I hate that and it's beginning to really frustrate me. I used to have ideas about everything, but now I find myself completely void of anything interesting that I can identify with, if that makes any sense at all.

Whispers on a Silver Thread was the best way I could think to sum up the purpose of me creating this blog--to allow myself a chance to catch the fleeting thoughts of my mind before they disappear completely into whispers of the past.

Here's a quick summary of my life at the moment. I'm a fourth of the way through my freshman year of college, which is a 2 hour drive away from the place I call my home. My major as it stands now is Secondary Mathematics Education (I will give the reasoning behind this later) and I am minoring in Chemistry, Biology, and possibly Spanish. I'm in my first ever college musical, performing this week and I'm loving every minute I spend at the theatre and with the cast and crew.

That is just a part of my life though. Back home, I am a sister, a daughter, and a friend to many that I deeply love and miss everyday. I am a reader, a dreamer, a believer, and a comforter. I am who I am because of the people that have been gracious enough to open their hearts and let me in.

As much I would love to keep writing and rambling, I cannot ignore my obligations any longer. My stomach is winning the battle with my fingers and I must stop typing to eat and work on preparing for a meeting with the head of the Math Ed. Department Head. Ttfn to all those who read this.

~Linna <><


Tori said...

Welcome welcome welcome to the world of blogger! I'm so glad you're going to join the ranks and write alongside me :-D Great theme for your blog--I really like the title too! I love you bunches and I cant wait to stay this much more in touch with you through your writing. <3

Caitlin said...

May I say welcome to you as well!

:-) haha... It's fun to see you in the blogger world - the more the merrier.

Next post, let's hear a bit about your choice of major... I'm curious!
