Thursday, March 11, 2010

Life is a funny thing

I've been thinking a lot lately about life and what exactly it has in store for me. I feel like these past 20 years have been spent getting me ready to start my life, but it hasn't quite taken off yet. And as much as I'd like to be, I don't think I'm ready for it to begin. I'm still putting several things on hold till I get through college. I want a house, a career, a family, my own place in this world that I carve out. Living at home is great, college dorm life is great, but I want my own things and my own place and a roof over my head that belongs to me. I want to be done writing papers and praying for grades and figuring out how to please every professor that I have. I've gotten real good at being the student, I want to move on and figure out the next thing now. I want change. I'm willing to embrace change instead of run from it...That's something totally new and alien to me.

The other thing about life I've been thinking about is how and why it started in the first place. God created us, and everything else...but why? What's the point? Was He lonely? Bored? Why create man, give him free will and watch him fail generation after generation. If we were put here to praise God and worship and love Him with our whole hearts, why is there all these other things that have be paid attention to in order to survive? payments, going to work, eating food, sleeping, all of it...It just seems like it's distracting us from the point of being here in the first place. I don't normally contemplate matters pertaining to figuring out why God does what He does, cuz it just serves to open up more incomprehensible questions. I once told my best friend that I didn't see the point in contemplating something that I know my mind can't grasp. God can't be contained in words, He's indescribable, uncontainable, beyond the scope of our understanding. It's crazy. And what amazes me still further is that He cares about me. He cares about what I'm going through, what my life has for me, what I'm involved with. He made me and He loves me and He wants to give me the desires of my heart...but I don't get why I'm here. This life is just a speck compared to the amount of time in eternity. It's just a flash on His radar, and on the eternal life we have after this life is gone. So why have this life in the first place? I don't know. Interesting to think about. Just some questions I've been mulling over for a little while now. Thought I'd share. God Bless! Nunight!

~Linna <><